Plugin rpigpio


Reading or writing 0/1, true/false from the gpio of a raspberry pi.


  • RPi.GPIO (>=0.6.2)

User domogik must be part of gpio group if not you’ll get an exception:

RuntimeError: No access to /dev/mem. Try running as root!

sudo adduser domogik gpio

Plugin configuration

There is only parameter to configure for the plugin :

Key Default value Description
GPIO_assignement BCM Defines the pin read method to use (BCM or BOARD)

Look at to know the difference beetween BCM and BOARD:

The BOARD option if you refer to the pins by their numbers (i.e 11 for pin 11 that is marked as GPIO17).

The BCM option if you refer the pins by the “Broadcom SOC channel” number, these are the numbers after “GPIO” (i.e 17 for GPIO17).

Create the domogik devices

Domogik device type : gpio.input or gpio.output

1 parameter is need for a domogik GPIO device creation

Key Type Description
pin integer The pin number to use

Gpio.ouput device also have a sensor to know the real state of the ouput if they had been change from something else (another program for example).

Start the plugin

You can now start the plugin (start button) and use the created devices.

Set up your widgets on the user interface

You can now place the widgets of your devices features on the user interface.